LPI Linux Essentials (010-160)

(LPI-010-160) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-192-5
This course includes
Hands-On Labs
Instructor Led (Add-on)
AI Tutor (Add-on)
306 Review
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About This Course

Gain hands-on experience to pass the LPI 010-160 exam with the LPI Linux Essentials study guide. Lab delivers hands-on experience replacing expensive physical labs. The exam guide completely covers the LPI 010-160 exam objectives and imparts skills required for selecting the operating system, working with software licensing, using common Linux programs, and more. This knowledge will prepare candidates to pass the 010-160 certification on their first attempt.

Skills You’ll Get


16+ Lessons | 150+ Quizzes | 90+ Flashcards | 190+ Glossary of terms


50+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 50+ Post Assessment Questions | 100+ Practice Test Questions

Hands-On Labs

34+ LiveLab | 00+ Minutes



  • Why Become Linux Certified?
  • Who Should Buy This course
  • How This course Is Organized
  • Conventions Used in This Course
  • Exam 010-160 Objectives

Selecting an Operating System

  • What Is an OS?
  • Investigating User Interfaces
  • Where Does Linux Fit in the OS World?
  • What Is a Distribution?
  • Embedded Linux Systems
  • Linux in the Cloud
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Understanding Software Licensing

  • Investigating Software Licenses
  • Looking at the Free Software Foundation
  • Looking at the Open Source Initiative
  • Looking at the Creative Commons
  • Using Open Source Licenses
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Investigating Linux's Principles and Philosophy

  • Linux Through the Ages
  • Using Open Source Software
  • Understanding OS Roles
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Using Common Linux Programs

  • Using a Linux Desktop Environment
  • Working with Productivity Software
  • Using Server Programs
  • Managing Programming Languages
  • Handling Software Packages
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Getting to Know the Command Line

  • Starting a Command Line
  • Running Programs
  • Using Shell Features
  • Getting Help Using Man Pages
  • Getting Help Using Info Pages
  • Finding Additional Documentation
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Managing Hardware

  • Learning About Your CPU
  • Identifying Motherboard Capabilities
  • Sizing Your Power Supply
  • Understanding Disk Issues
  • Managing Displays
  • Handling USB Devices
  • Managing Drivers
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Managing Files

  • Understanding Where Things Go
  • Exploring Files and Directories
  • Manipulating Files
  • Manipulating Directories
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Searching, Extracting, and Archiving Data

  • Using Regular Expressions
  • Searching For and Extracting Data
  • Redirecting Input and Output
  • Archiving Data
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Exploring Processes and Process Data

  • Understanding Package Management
  • Understanding the Process Hierarchy
  • Identifying Running Processes
  • Using Log Files
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Editing Files

  • Understanding the Role of Text Files
  • Choosing an Editor
  • Editing Files with nano
  • Editing Files with vi
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Creating Scripts

  • Beginning a Shell Script
  • Using Commands
  • Using Arguments
  • Using Variables
  • Using Conditional Expressions
  • Using Loops
  • Using Functions
  • Setting the Script’s Exit Value
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Understanding Basic Security

  • Understanding Accounts
  • Using Account Tools
  • Working as root
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Creating Users and Groups

  • Creating New Accounts
  • Modifying Accounts
  • Deleting Accounts
  • Managing Groups
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Setting Ownership and Permissions

  • Setting Ownership
  • Setting Permissions
  • Using Special Permission Bits and File Features
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Managing Network Connections

  • Configuring Network Features
  • Basic Network Troubleshooting
  • Advanced Network Troubleshooting
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials


Using Common Linux Programs

  • Exploring the Fedora GUI App

Getting to Know the Command Line

  • Managing Processes
  • Viewing the Command History in the Terminal
  • Getting Help on the Command Line

Managing Hardware

  • Examining the System's CPU
  • Examining Hardware Devices
  • Viewing Disk Usage
  • Finding Hard Drives on a System

Managing Files

  • Performing Basic File Management
  • Creating a Hard Link
  • Finding Files
  • Exploring a File System

Searching, Extracting, and Archiving Data

  • Using Regular Expressions
  • Using the Redirection Operator
  • Using the grep and find Commands
  • Understanding Compression

Exploring Processes and Process Data

  • Using Red Hat Package Management Tools
  • Displaying Real-Time System Statistics
  • Displaying Process Information

Editing Files

  • Editing a Text File with nano and vi
  • Editing a Text File with nano
  • Editing a Text File with vi

Creating Scripts

  • Creating an Advanced Script
  • Making Simple Batch Files
  • Redirecting the Output

Understanding Basic Security

  • Reviewing Account Settings
  • Managing Users and Groups
  • Using the who Command

Setting Ownership and Permissions

  • Exploring File Permissions
  • Exploring Permission Management in Linux

Managing Network Connections

  • Finding a Mail Server for a Specified Domain
  • Finding Network Information
  • Testing Network Connectivity
  • Finding Applications That Provide TCP Network Services

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There are no prerequisites for this certification exam.

USD 120.00

Multiple choice and fill in the blank questions

The exam contains 40 questions.

60 minutes


(on a scale of 200-800)

The retake policy for the LPI certification exam is given below:

  • Before retaking an exam after failing for the first time then, you must wait seven days.
  • Moreover, if you are giving an exam for the second time then, you must wait thirty days before retaking the exam.


LPI Linux Essentials (010-160)


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